FULL VIEW: CLICK IMPACT-ONLY images (no EXIT images) to expand in new tab
ALL CRATERS, KEYS & ANALYSIS: CLICK DOWNLOAD below to expand in new tab
BEST VIEW OF CRATER IMAGES: Google Earth without my comments
NOTE: I created my nomenclature as Clemens' Comets with classifications for tracking rocks through space for 13.8 billion years to the beginning of time. Anything that moves in space is a Clemens' Comet i.e., galaxy, star, planet, comet, asteroid, meteor, black hole, etc. as they all split from the first Clemens' Comet at time (13.8 Bya) = 0 year 0 month 0 day 0 hour 0 minute .5 seconds with physical proof from meteor showers, craters, Epic Evolution Charts and science record, not to mention my 100% Accurate Atomic Clock that will someday match NASA's Atomic Clock.
A Clemenian Equator is the line drawn from the center of an impact to the center of its exit crater which is the equator at that time due to Einstein's spacetime plane enforcing equator impacts of every Clemens' Comet for 4.5 billion years. Different Clemenian Equators are caused by Clemenian Polar Gravity that pulls heaviest mass of planets into their south poles on Einstein's spacetime plane as demonstrated in my Pangea Map under Keys to the Universe tab with my two Keys to the Universe: 1) Code of Life Epic Eon evolution chart showing Clemens' Comets creating life and evolution with geology changes, and 2) Blueprint for Life describing each meteor shower in conjunction with impacts on Earth creating life and evolution. I joined that information with impact and exit crater images I call creation craters with eight in and eight out as exit craters created meteor showers; each impact/exit series may have split to more craters i.e., three moons in one impact.
There are four other meteor showers which were part of creating our solar system that didn't have an impact or exit crater on Earth. These Clemens' Comets missed all the planets during creation immediately following the Clemens' Comet Supernova that came back after 1 billion years to create life on Earth in my Small Bang Theory causing Earth's elliptical orbit. Earth's elliptical orbit altered impact patterns and resultant evolution changes to every 1.5 billion years, so there was another impact 2.5 billion years after creation and again 4 billion years after creation (now known to be changes in time between DNA rungs on the outside of our and other universe's Clemenian DNA Chain after a "dot" 10X multiplier at the Clemenian Crossover between each of time and universe's DNA helices-see tab above). Clemens' Comets started slowing down and getting smaller in mass with each impact. As Earth split in half from three moon impacts 66 Mya, Africa was dragged over most craters around the world by three moons destroying ancient crater rims as it went over the top of the Earth. I found it though, I still discovered the Pangea Crater in Siberia, Russia and its as beautiful as my first time.
August 4, 6:00am MST, 4.5 Bya, speed=2,000,000 mph (3,200,000 km/h)
A-MC3 is Earth's creation (same time for solar system and the planets); the "A" is the initial Clemens' Comet creating 4 meteor showers from the Clemens' Supernova and "3" is split as 3rd rock from the sun. Each subsequent Clemens' Comet split is incremented as A, B, C, etc. with incremental numbers representing number of split pieces for greater detail (full nomenclature description shown in Blueprint for Life). Life has never been found on any other Clemens' Comet e.g., asteroid, meteor, comet or planet...in our solar system.
Comets we see today travel 110,000-150,000 mph (175,000-240,000 km/h). That matches my Clemens' Comet speeds from Clemens' Supernova, known to travel over 2,000,000 mph (3,200,000 km/h), through all splits to the final remaining Clemens' Comets in the Comet Blade of my Blueprint for Life traveling at 125,000 mph (200,000 km/h). Speeds may vary depending on which planet the comet is associated with and I only accurately calculated speed for Earth related Clemens' Comets.
March 17, 3:00pm MST, 3.5 Bya, speed=1,000,000 mph (1,600,000 km/h)
Life Crater under Antarctica 4,500 miles-wide (7,240 km) from the Small Bang on Earth created single-cell organisms consisting of equal portions of Clemens' Supernova Metallic Oxygen Ocean and magnetism. The environment blew apart down to the DNA energy level, coming back together combined as life for the first time in our Solar System on Earth. This matches biologists' oldest Earth fossils and Epic Evolution Period Charts perfectly. Clemens' Supernova Metallic Diamond Core impact softened by Clemens' Supernova Metallic Oxygen Ocean created life, magnetic south and north poles, Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis via extreme magnetism as used by Higgs-boson to give mass to particles with no mass through a magnetic field. Africa pushed North Pole's Antarctica into Life Crater 66 Mya. The exit crater is the North Pole that created Antarctica when Earth was smaller, Africa broke off Antarctica and Greenland as it fell into Antarctica's crater trough and then Africa went over the North Pole erasing the Pangea Crater and Life Exit Crater, so no picture of this exit crater. Just stare at the North Pole and pretend you see it, it's there.
April 21, 2:45pm MST, 2 Bya, speed=500,000 mph (800,000 km/h)
Under South America at 4,200 miles-wide (6,759 km) northeast crater rim same as southeast Border of State of Mato Grosso, South America, as it stuck in three moon craters impacting 66 Mya and its own impact creation crater as Antarctica and Africa did. Notice diminishing crater sizes with each subsequent impact as mass is lost each time as it brought 10% more ocean as remainder of Clemens' Supernova Ocean from Einstein's Spacetime Plane our solar system and planets sit on. Microfossils became eukaryotes per biologist's fossil records. Clemens' Comet impacts saturated with Clemenian Radiation attributed to evolutionary changes i.e., five o'clock Shadow.
May 5, 2:30pm MST, 542 Mya, speed 250,000 mph (400,000 km/h)
Under Africa at 2,100 miles-wide (3,380 km) crater with northwest rim same as Lusaka, Zambia in upper left of above crater; exit crater created Africa and now Africa is stuck in its impact creation crater on the opposite side of Earth. The impact swapped Earth's core (today's moon) with Clemens' Supernova star core creating the atmosphere, Cambrian Explosion, complex multi-cell life and Eta Aquariids Meteor Shower. Earth's core became the largest moon which the Caribbean Islands formed over 66 Mya and the two outer parts on the left and right that missed Earth were both supernova core. All three moons came back 66 Mya as Clemens' Comets to kill the dinosaurs in the K-Pg Boundary as (supernova core)(Earth's core)(supernova core). Earth's core was replaced with Clemens' Supernova Metallic Diamond Core to create the magnetosphere, atmosphere and resultant Cambrian Explosion of life. Plants and animals with photosynthesis combined with the new magnetosphere built up oxygen and greenhouse gases to create the atmosphere attributing to the Cambrian Explosion as complex mult-cells allowed all types of creatures to be formed from Earth's new found magnetism.
October 6, 10:00pm MST, 443.8 Mya, speed=250,000 mph (400,000 km/h)
Under modern day South America at 2,300 miles-wide (3,700 km) crater with north rim defined by border of Rio de Janeiro. More prominently is the exit crater with west rim same as west border of Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia in Central Siberian Plateau creating the Draconids Meteor Shower. The exit crater on the opposite side of Earth in Siberia, Russia became first land above water (Pangea) allowing for first land plants and animals, volcano, mountain, lake, river, island, etc. Both impact and the exit crater in Central Siberian Plateau are available in DOWNLOAD section below. All planets in our solar system have their own meteor showers with impact cycles as Earth. This impact created fish from nautiloids by altering shells to scales as seaweed crept out of the water as first fern.
October 20, 9:15pm MST, 367 Mya, speed=500,000 mph (800,000 km/h)
2,100 miles-wide (3,380 km) crater under the Aleutian Islands holding them in. This is also the top of the Ring of Fire which was partially created in the north from this blast in addition to sudden removal of Africa and South America 66 Mya when three moons impacted Earth in the K-Pg Boundary slaying the dinosaurs in the Leonids Meteor Shower. Axis tilts and four seasons begin along with creation of seeds, cockroaches, squid and the octopus (naughty nautiloids without their shells) as life flourishes in our solar system on Earth alone. As there are billions and billions of galaxies in our universe, this process of creating life and evolution in smashing planet sized rocks is repeated on water planets. Creating and sustaining life = OME as ocean, magnetism and energy where E=MC2. It's a rite of passage for a discoverer to have a formula, but for Einstein to name his after Mark Clemens is really special.
November 3, 9:15pm MST, 251.9 Mya, speed=250,000 mph (400,000 km/h)
Impact under Indonesia created North America from a massive exit wound as Earth bled out from the core in massive volcanic activity creating the Mississippi River on the core's inverse crater rim. Oceans drained to the core, boiled off into the atmosphere to create catastrophic flooding around the world and molten lava leveled ocean floors as Earth expanded 45% as shown in the Pangea Map circa 250 Mya. Each Clemens' Comet impact resulted in a new layer of soil and lava around the world with a meteor shower. This core impact shattered, but could have created a visible comet today even though its exit size is considerably smaller from being absorbed by Earth. The exit crater created Saudi Arabia before it broke off the east coast of North America 251.9 Mya. This Clemens' Comet SHATTERED to CAPTURED.
November 10, 9:00pm MST, 201.3 Mya, speed=125,000 mph (200,000 km/h)
Africa fell into its own creation impact crater on the other side of the Earth 66 Mya, so this was an ocean impact before Africa surfed here from the other side of Earth. Continents form around exit craters from lava bleed out from the core, so it's ironic Africa fell into its own impact crater on the other side of Earth. All major impacts were in the ocean on the equator as Clemens' Comets float on Einstein's spacetime plane. By defining different equators from entry to exit impacts, we can see the effects of Clemenian Polar Gravity as Earth and all the planets, moons and sun in our solar system roll from mass shifting. Not to be confused with mass shifting at a NASCAR race. The slower each impact became, the more damage it did to Earth verses initial high-speed impacts going through Earth like butter with little damage or crater while still creating a meteor shower each time.
November 10, 9:00pm MST, 201.3 Mya, speed=125,000 mph (200,000 km/h)
Impact crater under Africa after it moved 66 Mya and fell into its own creation crater trough. Impact with core split Clemens' Comet H-MC34 in two matching two exit craters in Pacific Ocean following bounce. This knocked Saudi Arabia off Florida and sent to it to today's Azore Islands. That was the first land broken off Pangea and the moon 66 Mya was the only other Clemens' Comet that broke Pangea apart further to become what we see today. 66 Mya when Africa came over the top of the Earth and moved Saudi Arabia a second time, leaving the Azores behind. The split comet exited the Pacific Ocean around 8,000 mph (12,875 km/h) so Earth had two moons until they impacted in the Jurassic Period. The largest moon impacted 183 Mya in the Toarcian Turnover Extinction and the smaller moon impacted 145 Mya to end the Jurassic Period. These Clemens' Comets are both CAPTURED.
November 17, 8:45pm MST, 66 Mya, 125,000 mph (200,000 km/h)
NOTE: See Keys to the Universe tab for moon crater images. Three moons in the Leonids meteor shower created 99% of Earth's geology. Clemenian Polar Gravity rolled Earth and drowned dinosaurs in K-Pg Boundary as Earth split in half at the mid-Atlantic Ridge swallowing them into the core. Three Moons 66 Mya sent Africa over the top of the Earth which broke Greenland from its continental shelf and pushed Antarctica from the North Pole to the South Pole and blew Cuba, Jamaica, Dominican Republic and Caribbean Islands out of the Gulf of Mexico from Texas continental shelves. Africa pushed Antarctica and Saudi Arabia to today's location as Spain was ripped off Greece as it created the Mediterranean Sea, as Saudi Arabia scooped the dead between Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Syria, aka oil. Moon craters from inside Earth are good in downloads but best in Google Earth. These Clemens' Comets are CAPTURED.
For best view, use Google Earth with Ruler to draw Clemenian Equators and crater circles interactively.
As soon as there were two Clemenian Equators in different directions on Earth, it was obvious mass shifting causes Earth to roll from Clemenian Polar Gravity caused by Clemens' Black Hole. ESA's GOCE gravity model below shows mass shifted on Earth mostly from the three moon impacts. We see this in our 23.5 degree tilted axis tilting even more with an oscillating spin due to being out of balance, like an unbalanced load in your washing machine as three moons shifted mass on Earth 66 Mya killing dinosaurs in the K-Pg boundary, drowning survivors as Earth rolled. Dinosaurs were cooked, exploded into orbit then impacted on Earth, which split open and swallowed as many as would fit before washing them down 3 whirlpools of death in the Venezuela Basin, falling to the core where they were vaporized by steam blown from the core on both ends of Earth. My car gets 20 miles to the dino.
As we look at Earth, we see the heavier more dense ocean settled below the equator and the lighter less dense land in the north, further proving Earth is pulled southward into Einstein's Spacetime Plane. When we look at ESA's GOCE Geoid Gravity Model below, we see how the three moons shoved mass to one side of the Earth giving it a tilt due to Clemenian Polar Gravity. ESA sent a satellite around the world in every direction measuring gravity pull from Earth and it was greater in more dense areas e.g., areas piled up by three moon impacts as all other Clemens' Comet impacts went through Earth like butter, creating an exit crater and meteor shower.
ESA's GOCE Geoid Gravity Model shows effects of mass shifting on planet Earth and the giant crack where it split in half from three moons causing 99% of all geologic changes 66 Mya as they bounced of the core. All moons in our solar system would have been created the same way, leaving meteor showers as evidence. Three moons made this Geoid model lumpy by moving Earth from one side to the other as all other Clemens' Comets were going to fast to move mass as they went through Earth like butter.
See DOWNLOADS under Keys to the Universe for 3 Moon Impact 2-D Analysis for technical debunking.
The K-Pg Boundary from 66 Mya is a layer of burnt ash and shocked quartz with dinosaur fossils before but none after. Scientists knew something happened to make dinosaurs go extinct but didn’t know what caused it. In 2016, I discovered 3 moon impact craters in the Venezuela Basin with one at 850 miles-wide (1,400 km) and 2 more moon impact craters under South America at 710 miles-wide (1,140 km) and 600 miles-wide (965 km). I reported these to NASA and world scientists which I ended up giving them 2 Keys to the Universe. Look at all the craters I found with the correct order all around Chicxulub, describing exactly how they were created, the source that created them, the time and date they were created, the speed and category of 8 Clemens' Comets, where and why the Clemens' Comets kept impacting Earth and that there's another impact with Earth coming that is a Global Threat. There’s a theory called the Alvarez Hypothesis by a scientist that claims to have discovered the K-Pg Boundary in 1980 from a geological report with some rings and NO CRATER on the Yucatan Peninsula in Chicxulub, Mexico.
I don't know why the scientist didn't pick an existing land in the correct Epic Period with an actual crater as I found 16 creation craters and more internal bounces for a total of 35 craters and reported to NASA and world scientists when I gave the Keys to the Universe. The scientist found 0 craters and failed to debunk Plate Tectonics as continents were literally flying (Australia and Papua New Guinea) and surfing oceans (Africa, South America, Antarctica, Greenland and Saudi Arabia) all over the place after 3 moon impacts 66 Mya. Half the Earth popped off the ocean floor as 4 continents went flying. The scientist missed Africa going over the top of the Earth during the K-Pg Boundary and I find that to be a very large continent. He missed the Earth splitting in half that created the mid-Atlantic Ridge as the Himalaya Mountains were created by our core that almost left Earth dead as all the dinosaurs were now extinct. Now, here comes moon #3 to create the Gulf of Mexico, which in turn created the Yucatan Peninsula, neither existed prior to extinction of the dinosaurs. Therefore, the Yucatan Peninsula and Gulf of Mexico never existed all through the Jurassic or Cretaceous Periods and were created after extinction of the dinosaurs.
Based on impact damage from moon #3 wiping out all impact marks from moons #1 and #2 and all other craters, it’s obvious moon #3 was the last impact on Earth 66 Mya. Before moon #3 ever impacted Earth, moons #1 and #2 impacted Earth in that order to create the Rocky Mountain front range hogbacks. The Hogback Blast order, Clemens' Equators of all 3 moons and moon #3 overwriting moon #1 and #2 impacts prove order of moons #1, #2 and #3 respectively in creating the Hogback Eyebrow (2 different Hogback Moon Blasts shown in my moon images). The Rocky Mountains were created prior to capturing the hogbacks and that all occurred the same time as the Himalayas were punched out on the other side of Earth as moons #1 and #2 bounced off the core (see moon images for all the moon craters all around Chicxulub). This created the 4-Corners Crater and Grand Canyon from inside Earth, broke South America from Asia and Africa from California as South America and Africa ripped in half. As they split, the Earth split in half as well creating the mid-Atlantic Ridge as the Earth rolled from Clemens’ Polar Gravity. These activities killed the dinosaurs all around the world in creating 99% of Earth’s geology at the same time, which is supported by the scientist that claimed the K-Pg Boundary was caused by an impact on Earth.
Then, moon #3 impacted where the Caribbean Islands are located today and overlaid impact tracks from moons #1 and #2. Moon #3 then bounced off the core the first time to create the Gulf of Mexico as an inverse internal crater which created the Yucatan Peninsula, Jamaica, Cuba and the Caribbean Islands as the rest was sucked down the moon craters. Moon #3 then bounced to create Hawaii under Africa before Africa ripped off the ocean floor and went over the top of the world. Moon #3 then bounced off the core again before impacting Australia, sending it into space with Papua New Guinea before exiting out of the Indian Ocean. In the series of impacts above, at no time did any Clemens’ Comets ever come near the Yucatan Peninsula to leave an impact crater. That explains why the scientist only found rings on a report and never found a crater on Earth.
My 3 moon craters are 34,000% larger and my Life Crater in the South Pole is 75,000% larger than the admittedly invisible Chicxulub non-Crater. I discovered 100% of all creation in our universe with physical proof from my Clemens' Comet that created our solar system, planets, moons, life, ocean, evolution, K-Pg, islands, 100% geology, all 16 creation craters, meteor showers, continents, internal craters, and on and on to every grain of sand in the universe from the beginning of time before matter existed (next book). With a crater no one can see, I don't suppose you'd have to put Pangea back together like I did for my K-Pg Boundary. The scientist never mentioned the biocarbonic layer that blows off continents or the difference between oceanic basaltic lava that continental rhyolitic lava sits on, never pointed out these separate layers allowed continents to fly under hyper-physics in spite of Australia leaving Earth and bouncing on edge to leave 4 impact craters as it returned. Moon burned Katie (K-Pg previously called KT), my 66 million years old 10 year old T-Rex dinosaur from western North America blown around the world to impact the back of the hogbacks as part of Pangea 66 Mya, proves my Hogback Blast and K-Pg Boundary. My Clemens' Comets put a total of 20,000 miles-wide (3,700 km) impact holes all the way through Earth 8 times and created 3 moons after killing the dinosaurs in the real K-Pg Boundary while Chicxulub non-Crater has no holes through Earth and produced no moons or any craters for that matter. The hypothesized Chicxulub impact crater is debunked by overwhelming evidence.
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